Friday, April 22, 2005

Passing Time in Limbo

As we move around on this ball of dirt, water, drugs, pizza, bluegrass, and other things that keep this planet spinning, I was fascinated by how neat it is we have an Earth Day. Earth Day is the day we are supposed to be nice to the earth according to the time gauging device that tells us when we can see the sun and how many orbits we have made around this star which gives us heat. Earth day is when everyone is encouraged to become aware of the environment and pay heed to good ole Ma Earth. I think this is a great idea, we should be conscious of the planet we live on and make it as hospitable to live in as we can. To do my part, I pooped on a tree on the way to work.

I was in this electronics bazaar last weekend and I felt like my head was going to explode. I dont know if it was the hangover, the massive intrusion of blinking things, the hangover, the copious amounts of electronics, the hangover, the neon lights, the hangover, the plethora of merchants or the hangover. It was only after I had been able to ingest some spicy tuna Kim chi, spicy Kim chi sausajee, and some yellow craptacular beer, that I was able to look at anything for more than 2 seconds without feeling like I was being depressurized from the neck up. I managed to navigate my way around this ocean of consumer goods long enough during my sad state to purchase one of those newfangled gizmos that lets you take dem dare pitchers. I negotiated this purchase with the use of broken Korean, English, Konglish, and random hand movements. I bought some kind of camera that had the name Canon for $290. Fortuitously I knew what I wanted out of this camera, just not what I was getting. I bought some camera that is smaller than my hand with 4 mega pixels (mega means good), some other technical term, and a final bundle of stuff that would take too long to describe. To see what I did for the economy look here:

Mine is the 410 version. However, mine was marketed in Japan, so it says IXY 450 on it. Mine is better, it has a higher number, it clearly must be of higher quality. I opted to buy the memory stick (what the hell is this, why can
t it be a picture card?) for $60. My camera can now take something like 200 pictures before I have to do something. This thing also has small video capabilities; I can record up to 10 minutes of action. All that I have to now is figure out some way to get the pictures on to my computer and were in business. Ive tried like nothing and Im all out of ideas. Even osmosis is failing to work. I guess Ill just have to smash the camera into the cd tray to make it work.

I attempted sewing the other day, whatever you do in your life dont give yourself a gaping wound that requires me to conduct an emergency field stitch. Ill get the job done, but boy are you going to have one hell of a scar. But if you dig scars, then by all means please injure yourself to the degree of medical care and Ill be more than willing to provide some shoddy surgery.

Mathematics or statistics majors probably might theorize that you have reached this part of the entry while wondering what in the wide, wide, world of sports the title has to do with what Ive written. No? Fuck off then. As it happens I was listening to some bluegrass (Garcia and Grisman from the Warfield, dont bother me for exact coordinates) and they were playing the wonderful song Sitting Here In Limbo. I got to thinking, I started thinking about this kick ass book that a good friend of mine let me read when I was in MormonVille, Passing Time: The Memoirs of a Vietnam Veteran Against the War or something like that. I like the attitude the main character of the book possessed and hold a deep affinity for his attitudes. To get to the crux of it, you can surmise that often I feel that I am passing time in limbo.

"A wiser man then myself once said, Bluegrass is all about gettin' naked and covering yourself in chocolate syrup!"-Vince Herman