Sunday, May 15, 2005

Collosal Waste of Space

It's sometime late in the evening. The pollution is as overpowering as a 3 breasted hooker. Obviously the pollutants are clogging my brain train (come on soggy grey matter, we can get throught this). I was viewing some of the replies to my little piece of shit website, when I got the idea to look at some other "blogs". God, I fucking hate that word. Hey you G-O-D!!! How about using some of that omnipotency to strike down this dumbass word? It won't take up too much of your time.

Back to looking at these "blogs" (wait a minute, they were more like "blaaahs"). I was looking at these "blaaahs" and started to realize that the human race might be doomed. For fucks sake, do we really need to know that Sally from Lincoln, Nebraska just removed her special bran muffins from the oven? Naturally, we can just skip over these useless pieces of trash, but I'm saying "shit stick". These useless sites only reaffirm how stupid people are. I saw an entire "blaaah" about Darth Vader. I'm thinking cool, this guy is going to feature a bunch of cool Jedi swordplay, and talk about how badass Darth Vader is. Boy oh bullshit was I wrong! It seems that the author of this "blaaah", prefers to pretend he is Darth Vader and compose various pieces of prose. Now, "Darth" has taken to writing an ode to his mum. Since it was Mother's Day. What a jackass. Everyone know's that Darth Vader wouldn't waste his time writing a freakin' poem. He'd be out killing people or something. If not that he'd be choking someone to death from halfway across the galaxy for making him out to be such a sissy. I was just wondering, do they have Mother's Day in a galaxy far, far away?

All this typing has made my head woozy. I need to get back to drinking this beer. The Hite-Stout. What it should be called is this The Shite-Poop. Using only the shittiest rice ingredients. For your rectal displeasure.

I just found out the other day that North Korea makes beer. I'm going to try some before I leave.
Korea continues to be the land of paradoxicalness. In a country where they love small things (get your mind out of the gutter), why is it so hard to find an MP3 player with more than 1gb of memory? I can buy a kick ass computer for $600, but I can't find a bloody MP3 player that will hold a decent quantity of music. I ask the retailers, "MP3 player, 20 giga?" They look at me like I have a 3rd breast. They are shocked that such an item exists. But if I ask them about a computer I can get any answer I've wondered. I'm tired. I'm off to watch my blackmarket version of "The HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy". I hope it works. If it doesn't then I'm going to throw my TV out the window. After that I'm going to take my computer and smash it over the head of the next person that walks down the street.

Actually, I'll just go back to the place I bought it from and get a new one next week. But I had you there for a minute didn't I? No? This beer makes me stupid.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so smart Red! I'm looking for a speech writer. Interested? Yeee Haww!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 9:52:00 AM  

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