Monday, May 09, 2005

Sake or Soju?

So I got to thinking earlier this evening, which can be dangerous business with me. What is it that propels me to travel? Is it the constant change of scenery that motivates me? Is it the fascinating people I meet along the way? Is it the dramatic landscapes that I am able to witness? Is there a restlessness in me that pushes me to search? I've always felt that I keep myself on the move to constantly gain wisdom, experience, and excitement. There is also a part of me that tends to the running away philosophy. One might query: "You aren't travelling. You are alway's running from something. What are you running from?" Good question. What am I running from?

So I've made a list of things that I run from:
1. Jehovah's Witnesses - These people freak me out. What in the hell are they thinking? No birthday parties? Idiots.
2. Massive Urbanization - I don't mind visiting the heavy urban zones, but I just don't like living there. Densely populated areas suck away my motivation.
3. Repitition - This is probably the biggest thing. I hate doing the same thing every day. Nothing could be worse.
4. Drugs - I've run away from drugs once. I won't make the same mistake twice.
5. Pollution - If I can't breath I can't live. This is pretty simple.

Since I'll soon be breathing again and eating fresh fish, will my constant headache and insomnia dissipate? Only time will tell.

I was out and about in southern South Korea this weekend. What a fun time. Since it seems that every day I'm asked what country I'm from, I've been forced to find entertaining answers for myself. Some highlights:

Korean: What country are you from?
Me: Argentina
K: Can you tango?
M: Yes, but I broke my hip several years ago in a railroad construction accident that prevents me from doing any dance besides the square dance.
K: What country are you from?
M: North Korea.
K: Really? But you're white.
M: Yes, but I was born there and moved to the USA when I was 3.
K: What country are you from?
M: Jamaica
K: Really? Do you like Bob Marley?
M: Oh yeah, he's my cousin.
K: Wow, he's one of my favorites. Do you like Korean music Mr. Marley?
M: Not really, Korean music seems to be a mix of a blender in a trash compactor and fingernails on a chalkboard.
K: What country are you from?
M: Angola.
K: Where is that?
M: Africa.
K: Do you like lions?
M: I eat one every day.
K: (No response, just eyes popping out of their heads)

So I'll soon be packing things here in the Land of Morning Calm and getting ready to head for the Land of the Rising Sun. One of these day's I'll find the Land of Endless Bourbon, Non-Stop Live Bluegrass, Marijuana, Hot Chicks Who Love Red Heads, and Happy People. When I do I'm not leaving.


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